Tuesday 31 August 2010

Task #39 for the Single Ladies - Malicious Comments

She has been going to church for some time, she evangelizes, she participates in church groups, in sum, she’s an active member...

Everyone knows her, she makes part of the Youth Group, she tries to take part in each event and she helps as much as she can… Yet there is a “but” for she hasn’t been seeing the results of her efforts in her personal and spiritual life…

“Where is the mistake?!” She asks herself


I have no idea!

The fact is, my friend, that each case is different and each person needs to analyze their own life.

You need to stop everything and analyze yourself, your intentions, your actions, etc…

Who knows you better than yourself? Only God!

What I can do to help is to bring forth some problems that act as “little sheep” inside of us, when in actuality they are true wolves…

Today I want to discuss “Malicious Comments.”

What types of comments have been coming out of your mouth?

Are you the type of person that makes comments left and right about things you see and dislike or disagree with?

Now I ask, what kind of benefits can such comments have?

Are they going to help the situation or are they merely going to be passed on from one person to the next with a pinch of “venom” injected in each word?

A young lady wrote to me the other day asking for help. She had condemned a project and made many negative comments against it but now, after she better informed herself, she found that the project was a great idea and wants to become part of it, however, after so much negative propaganda people oppose that she join…

Do you see how it is?

We pay for our tongue!

But here goes the most important thing of all...

Malicious comments are only the “tip of the iceberg.” It means that this isn’t the only problem, there is a deep root.

Task #39

Depending on the types of comments, they can reveal:

- - A dirty heart

- A rebellious heart

- - An envious heart

- A hurt heart

And the list goes on...

Therefore, you must analyze what is inside your heart and start to clean it.

After this, you will need to pay attention to your words and be vigilant so you don’t make the same mistakes.

Remember, all the care in the world is not enough when it comes to our tongue and our comments.

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