Thursday, 24 February 2011

Task #4 for Becoming a Lovelier Woman

Generally when you have free time to think, what kind of thoughts do you have?

You know, like during that long wait for the bus?

And when you’re in the car stuck in terrible traffic?

Or during that long commute to work?

I’m going to tell you what most of you would answer… Worries!

It’s the bills to pay, something that someone said that offended you, something that your husband did, an uncertain future, the unpaid rent, so many things to do and such little time and the list goes on...

That brings you an enormous weight on your shoulders and when you realize it, you’re already in a bad mood and don’t even have the will to smile or speak to anyone.

All of you worries seem to devour you!

If you don’t identify this problem in your life and fight against it, it will bring forth bigger and worst consequences.

Have you noticed the great amount of people being diagnosed with depressions these past few years?

Not to mention (although now mentioning) that these worries make you feel like an old person with a bitter face.

Now I ask: Do all of those worries and stress solve your problems?

Ahhh if it at least solved the problem! We would all be doing very well!

But I’m going to tell you… it doesn’t solve anything!

Look at what the Bible teaches us…

“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

Task #4 for Becoming a Lovelier Woman

“During this Dare, whenever worries come to take away your peace, you are going to pray and place it in God’s hands. If the problem is something that can be solved, ask Him to help you find a solution.”

Please take notice, I’m not saying that you should ignore the problem; instead, you should think of finding a solution and not sink in a sea of negative feelings.

Talking about it with someone and unburdening yourself does you great good and afterwards you will feel like a huge weight came off your shoulders.

I suggest you look for a Universal Church closest to you and talk to a pastor who aside from listening to you will also offer you precious advice…


  1. Thanks for the advice Mrs Nanda.

  2. thank you Mrs Nanda this made me realise that i have beeen worried about so many things in my life without realising the impact it will have in my life. this post made me realise that worring devours me on the inside and takes away the inner beauty that will make me glow on the outside. sometimes my friends complain that i worry too much and sometimes it irritates them becuase i will say what i am worried about the whole day and when they try to change the subject i will always go back to thing i was worried about. i now make this vow that i wil stop worrying and put a smile on my face becuase that will make a lovelier woman of God

  3. from now on i will cast all my anxiety in Jesus hand becuase He cares for me. I will pray when worry comes on my mind and i wil know that God has heard me

  4. Hallow Mrs Nanda!

    Worring realy does not help anyone insted it can make you sick but when we pray to God about our problems we will see a change.

  5. This is true! Worries and issues can get in the way, but I know that God will come through immediately. Although I'm young, and I haven't been through many experiences to give up quickly, I still have the boldness to rebuke any problems that follow up, and I believe that no matter what you have been through or how old you are, you should have that state of mind always!(:

  6. Hi Mrs Nanda!
    Here is my little secret...
    I want to be a better woman,but I am very worried person!
    I Will pray every time I am worried about something because I know by the end of the day I will pray a lot!
    Kisses and thanks for this message!
    Karla Cristina

  7. Mrs. Nanda These challenges are great! I did the single woman's challenge and it changed me. I'm so excited about doing this challenge I'm getting girls from church to do it to because I know it'll help us be lovelier woman of God.

  8. Normally when we worry, it only adds to the worry which just makes things worst. So placing a worry into God's hands is definitely the best answer because he will carry our burden for us. Thankyou

  9. This message is so true in many ways!! people worry so much in their lives, that which soon takes control of their lives, without them even noticing. The best way to overcome your worries is to ask GOD to help you be at peace with yourself and to get rid of your problems.

  10. This message really hit home. I am constantly worried...about everything! I need to rush home and drive 1 hour in traffic from a full-time job to make dinner, bathe my daughter, get her lunch ready, get my lunch ready, iron her clothes, my clothes, and my husbands work on and so on. And that is just the first part of every night. It is never ending! There are times when I find myself in the weekday service dazing off, preoccupied with thoughts off all the things I have to get done when I get home at 9:30 p.m. Slowly I have allowed myself to stop worrying about everything. I know that God is aware of my situation and how desperate I am for life to slow down just a bit so I can catch my breath. God works out all things for good. I have to be stronger in my prayers and know that having a strong relationship with Him will grant me the inner peace I need to function in this demanding world.

  11. Mrs Nanda please post more, I come everyday to check if there is new blog, am sorry I know that your busy and all but am so excited about the time management and becoming a lovelier woman.
    So could you please post.

  12. Hello Mrs Nanda

    I always read your blog, but never comment forgive me, but this post is an eye opener, because we are constantly worry about things. We need to stop focusing on that and believe God has everything in control.. that is if we give it into his hands.
    God Bless

  13. Hello Mrs Nanda
    I always read your blog but never leave a comment, please forgive me.
    However i found this post very intersting because it's true, we need to stop focusing on our worries and give them in the hands of God and trust that he has everything in control.

    God Bless

  14. Worrying is an action of doing nothing. It's like an internal only God can calm.
    This post has really helped me

  15. After reading this blog sometimes we find ourselves not meaning to think of our problems but it just tends to be at the forefront of our minds. Surrendering our worries to God does relieve the burden that you feel because God wants us to be free from feeling heavy and burdened. This is a good challenge because even when you dont realise it problems tend to pop up in your mind so we can either choose to dwell on the problems or look to God to help us to solve the problem.
    Nyanit Koang, London.

  16. Worrying is so bad for our health, both on the outside and the inside. This message is for sure the way forward to fighting this very problem. Thanks for reminding me Mrs. Nanda.

  17. Hi Mrs Nanda,I had to really read this phrase again "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” I mean this is something to think about because we truly don't gain anything about worrying at all. I've also learnt that thoughts are like are like food to our mind and body. We our thoughts is constantly worried it's not good for our body so therefore our we truly must feed our thought with positivity. When worries come I will continue to call on God for help.

  18. Thanks for your advice Mrs Nanda.I will take up the task and i believe I will become a lovelier woman inside and also outside.Your blog always help me.May the Good Lord bless you more for your work you are doing

  19. hello mrs nanda,
    its true loads of people are diagnosed with worries. worrying is not the solution to solve problems. the best way to beat these worries is to ask God for help, read your bible

  20. Mrs. Nanda thank you for your advice. I will take up these tasks. I know they can help me become a lovelier woman of God.

  21. Marcia Quijada6 March 2011 at 23:36

    Dear Mrs. Nanda, your blogs have helped me so much. I thank God because of all your writings. Your blog is a truly special treasure to me. You cannot even imagine. May God keep blessing you abundantly with even more. I'll start praying for you so you keep this blog alive all the time - just like you've been doing it. Kisses and hugs.

  22. Just discovered these dares, I will be following your blogs very closely from now on as I dying to become a LOVELIER WOMAN! Thanks for sharing

  23. It was a Sisterhood candidate who told me about the 'becoming a lovelier woman' posts. This is the first in the series that I've read and it’s so very true! We have a tendency to think about all the things we can't resolve and it only leaves us worried and frustrated but doesn’t solve anything at all. I took up the challenge this week and it really works! With things you can resolve, you tackle it head on and things you have cannot do alone God steps in.

  24. this is my first comment,& i really like your advice . im going to comment on your blogs more often their great !

  25. Yes Mrs Nanda, worries don't add any hour to our lives. Thanks for the tip

  26. Thank you so much for the advice Mrs Cris , that is so true worring does not change any situation , we have to pray and use our faith!

  27. Thank you so much for the advice , that is so true worring does not change any situation we have to pray and use our faith!

  28. This task is very good and is something i have been doing and God has been answering me and showing me what to do to solve the problems. Also, speaking to the person you may have negative thoughts against can also help, well it has for me because it helped me to see it was all in my mind and removed the burden.

  29. We can not carry our problems by warring because warring does not add a life to our life instead it take a life that is why we should put our problems in the hands of God and he will help us because he cares for us.

  30. I have felt like this before and when i do get these feeling i seek the Holy Spirit and ask him for guidance and he takes away my worries, that is how I strengthen my relationship with God as well, so its good to take advantage of those moments.


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