Monday, 31 October 2011

Your Target

Look how interesting...

Lately I've been writing longer blogs, but yesterday I wrote two lines and I received more comments than in the last 10 posts put together!

I hope I'm not being annoying :)

In any case, I would like to thank all of you who gave your opinion; I'm maturing the idea of our next challenge to be initiated here on this blog. 

Now let's get to what really matters and I promise not to extend myself.... :)

I was here thinking about what I should write today and the phrase "Chain of Prayer" wouldn't get out of my head.

Chains of Prayer in the church are extremely important because they motivate us to have goals and fight for them.  

Going to church every Wednesday, Friday or Sunday, or even every day, doesn't necessarily mean we are doing a chain of prayer. The chain is only done when we have a goal, an objective that we wish to accomplish. 

But the biggest problem is when that goal doesn't exist in our lives.

Not knowing which way to go or even where we want to go, leads us to become frustrated people, unhappy and completely lost. 

Dreams are necessary, for they become our objectives, our goals. 

Do you have a dream?
Fight for it! Don't give up!

Make it your goal and go after it until you reach it. 

I had a dream like this... One day it formed in my mind... Then I believed that it was possible... It then became my goal, my own heart went against it, but I overcame. 
Tomorrow I will share a bit more about this dream. 

How about you? Have you dreamt? Have you set goals and objectives? How is your life going? Are you lost or on the right track? 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mrs Nanda,
    I have so many dreams and goals and this year I wrote down all the dreams and goals I want to achieve. I have managed to achieve 3 of my dreams already and through Bishop's encouragement about making a chain of prayer I have started a chain of prayer for another dream I want to achieve. I will not give up until I achieve this dream.


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