I was thinking about the task for day 12 of our Dare.
What is the reception like? How are they going to react in order to change the situation? Did they understand the message?
If your reaction was…
“Hey, that’s not fair! My husband doesn’t do any of the things I ask and if I don’t complain, then he’ll never do anything!
What's more is that if I don’t complain I will surely explode from saving it all inside of me!”
Know that you’re not alone, many women feel the same way, but there is a solution…I don’t know if you’re going to like it, but it works!
You know those tasks that you are always complaining to your husband about, the ones he never does?
Dare- Task #13
“You are going to take on these tasks as your own. By doing this you will solve your problem!”
It is very simple and maybe you continue to find that this just isn’t fair or too hard but it’s not in vain that we have called this purpose a Dare…
Let me explain…
When he throws his clothes on the floor and not in the hamper.
You will accept the task of picking his clothes off the floor and placing it in the hamper as your own. You will regard this as your responsibility and not his.
When he doesn’t put down the toilet seat.
You will accept the task of always putting the toilet seat down.
When he doesn’t take out the trash.
You will see this as your chore and so forth…
Once you take on these tasks as your own, then there won’t be a reason to complain or get angry!
The plus side of acting like this is that sooner or later your husband will begin to do things without you having to ask.
Many will even ask in what they can help!
It won’t be easy, in fact, you might feel a bit overburdened in the beginning but don’t give up because in the end it will be worth it!
“The weak give up midway through the battle when the situation becomes more difficult. The victorious fight until the end and don’t accept failure!”
How about you, are you Weak or Victorious?