Wednesday 18 November 2009

Love Dare - Day 10 -Demonstration

Folks in my opinion- I hope you all agree- love is a combination of things…


I make it a point to say “I love you” to my husband daily, but what good is it to say this if these words aren’t accompanied by loving actions and gestures?


Therefore, in this task…


Dare- Task #10

“You will do something unordinary for your spouse, something that will clearly demonstrate your love. Perhaps it’s that favorite dessert that you never make, maybe it’s his favorite food or an extraordinary back massage made with much care and precision, without him having to beg you for it… It’s up to you…

And don’t stop there; continue choosing different ways of demonstrating your love.

Don’t give up, don’t desist!

Remember that he who gives shall receive.”


  1. I agree , Sound's like fun..
    I loke this dare...=)

  2. Today i decided to make for him his favourite dish that i did'nt cook for over a year cause i realy don't know how to cook this food, so i tried it again today and he was realy suprised and happy cause he liked it, "I WAS REWARDED WITH A KISS!"


  3. I decided to bake a cake for him, because the week before he was asking and i always said i didnt have all the ingredients, but yesterday i said i will make the effort to get everything and bake for him the cake.

  4. He likes when i massage his feet so i ask him if i can he say yes with a big smile so i was also feeling good.


  5. He likes whenever i massage his feet so i ask him i can he say yes with a big smile and that make me fell good.



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