Monday, 28 November 2011

You DO like to be deceived!

You say that you do not like to be deceived but you fall for any foolish talk.

Click here and win an iPad!

Fill out your details and win the trip of your dreams!

Bet on these numbers and win yourself a bundle!

Send us your bank details to receive an inheritance that was left for you by an unknown person.

Log on to this website and find the man of your dreams!

This is no joke or just talk; without sacrifice there is no success. But just deception!

Enough of short cuts! Looking for short cuts is to enjoy been deceived!

Have you ever thought of that?

What about you? Do you enjoy been deceived?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I am must say I have subconsciously fallen for this too. Mine was forward email to 10-20 people and win a trip or cell phone always something easy. Very true easy come easy go.


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