Monday 29 November 2010

War and Faith

Whoever is in faith is in Spirit, and whoever is in Spirit is in faith, and consequently is at war. There can be no peace in this world for those who live by faith. We can only have peace with God when our conscience is washed in the blood of the Son of God.

But to live in the world by faith is to depend on the Holy Spirit. Why does God give His followers faith?

Faith is not given to comfort people in times of pain, to help them keep religious traditions, or to serve as a mere accessory to their lives. Faith is the power of God to confront the devil; it’s the light of God to dissipate the darkness. That’s why those who are in faith are by nature in a revolt against evil; they are at war because they cannot accept what the world imposes upon them.

The Spirit of faith refuses to accept bowing before adversity or making alliances with the servants of evil.

The faith of the early Christians has nothing to do with the spiritual and moral corruption of this world. That’s why the Lord Jesus said, “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.” In other words, Christian faith separates those who belong to the Light from those who belong to the darkness; the goats from the sheep, those who are of God from those who are not.

Moses said, “The LORD is a man of war” (Exodus 15:3). In other words, God is like a man of war. And in order to please Him, we have to live in faith and by faith.

It’s impossible to please Him without being in faith.

Bishop Macedo


  1. ‘Faith is the power of God to confront evil’. It’s funny because this is what we do every time we engage in a spiritual war. My desire is to improve the quality of my faith so that I may see what I never thought possible in my life. I am certain that I haven’t gone to the limit of where my faith wants to take me.

  2. Indeed I agree with this blog. When we are in Spirit, we are connected with the thoughts and ways of God and therefore, we will find it impossible to view the behaviours and actions of the "world" as acceptable. Those who are in Spirit and therefore in faith, do not compromise and do not confine with the ways of evil. As people of God, if we ever find ourselves doing this, then we know that we are no longer living by faith...

  3. I agree, this message is strong to me because it's not only knowing but is having actions, its not only thinking but doing.
    Thank you.

  4. The fight is not east but God has promised to be with us and give us strength also because He is a God of Justice we will never face a battle we can not overcome.

  5. A friend of mine from church recently said, 'if evil doesn't have a day off why should we?' and that is what this message reminded me of. We have to use our faith and keep fighting the good fight.


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