Sunday, 14 August 2011

Task #35 for Becoming a Lovelier Woman

This week is the last stretch of our dare and to end it with a cherry on top tomorrow I will reveal a tip by Mrs. Ester Bezerra and today our tip comes directly from Bishop Macedo.
Yesterday I was watching Bishop Macedo’s meeting live on IURD TV, and look how marvelous, he gave us the direction for our next task.
It is very important to know a man’s point of view when it comes to being lovely and one of the things that the Bishop revealed concerning this was that women that speaks too much are annoying.
From time to time he emphasizes his admiration for Mrs Ester’s silent and virtuous way of being, those who know her feel the same way.
When we talk a lot we lose track of what we are saying and we end up saying what we shouldn’t, gossiping, judging others and being annoying.
If you are talkative, now is not the time for you to try being quiet and not make a peep, I don’t think it will work, but what you can do is monitor yourself so you realize when you are crossing the line.
Task #35 for Becoming a Lovelier woman
Here go a few tips to help us monitor ourselves:
  •  Try listening more than speaking.
  • Allow others to express themselves without jumping into the conversation and interrupting. This shows lack of education.
  • Check to see if you are trying to be the center of attention, if that’s the case, perhaps you are speaking more than you should.
  • Notice the way people around you are reacting. If they seem fatigued or distracted while you are talking then you are probably being annoying.
  • Try not to rush and speak quickly because doing so will lead you to lose people’s attention.
  • Have an objective when you speak. Stop going around in circles to eventually reach the point. Nowadays everything is fast pace no one has patience for this.
  • If the person doesn’t want to listen, don’t insist. Simply stop speaking.

These are only a few tips but surely the Holy Spirit will guide us into finding other ways we can practice in order to change…
And don’t miss out on Mrs. Ester’s tip tomorrow!


  1. I definitely need to stop interrupting people! I don't do it often but every time i do i think "oh that was so rude, i should have been patient to wait"plus it shows disrespect to the other person. I think when we speak less and listen more people appreciate it, in the past sometimes that was all i needed and when the assistant that worked with me gave me this i appreciated it so much, i could literally vent and tell her what was going on inside and i would feel much better after and also have the answer i needed at the end of it.I try to do the same who knows what might be revealed when you speak less, you find hidden treasures that you wouldn't have found because you were so quick.

    Thank you for this tip i'm very excited for Mrs Esther's one.

  2. Wow i cant believe this, m a talkative person. I like to talk too much, I cant stand a place where its too quite, its hard to admitted it but thanks for all those tips now I need to change even through I know its not going to be easy.


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