Monday, 29 August 2011

We are passing the limit...

“ Mrs. Nanda, after reading your post yesterday I’m desperate. I don´t know what to do. My boyfriend and I have passed the limit, we haven’t gone the whole way but we were very close. I’m so ashamed of myself. I’ve told myself that there’s no problem, we are getting married and God understands but after reading  what you wrote, I really understood that it’s wrong. Please help me, I don´t know what to do!!!”

Dear friends, since you didn’t include and email contact, I will answer you in this post.

Some young ladies write me with the above mentioned problem, so I pasted a portion of one of the messages and posted it here...

My friends, don’t go into despair. Do you know what you need to do?

Stop that point blank! Talk to your boyfriend and tell him that it isn’t right and it shouldn’t happen anymore. I recommend that the two of you go speak to the pastor and reveal the whole truth so that the devil no longer has space to work.

If your boyfriend accepts, then you both will have to rethink your relationship, for all the care in the world is not enough.

Here go 7 very important tips concerning christian dating:
1.   Never meet in dark or lonely places.
2.   Never be completely alone with each other anywhere.
3.   Be very careful with kisses. For a young lady/woman a kiss is romantic; now for a man, a mere prolonged kiss plus some imagination can be enough to set him on fire!
4.   Be very careful when you press up against him. It may not mean anything to you but it’s very different to him.
5.   No kisses on the ear or neck. That´s pure provocation.
6.   Sensually charged stares, biting your lips sensually, or any else that transmits sensual signals through gestures should not take place.

And finally, if your boyfiend doesn’t accept your decision, don’t doubt. Break up. Your salvation is at risk and if doesn’t worry about his or yours, then he doesn’t deserve you!

Stay tuned because I will be writing a lot about dating...


  1. wow, man are from mars! it is hard to know what they are thinking in their little heads.

  2. This is very helpful Mrs Nanda. I do not have a boyfriend as I feel that I am not ready for that now, but when the time comes I will definitely take on board what has been said here.

  3. When I read this blog post it automatically reminded me of the book ‘Sexy Girls’ by Hayley Di’Marco, the way boys think or take this is very different. Simple gesture is taken in a different way, this is why we have to be careful with how we market (dress, act etc) ourselves before others. As females it seems as though nothing is wrong, but on the other hand it’s something that could lead a man in the wrong direction.


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